Curso TEYL - Teaching English to Young Learners Certification - Semi-presencial

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Pablo Nieves

Pablo Nieves

Curso TEYL - Teaching English to Young Learners Certification

  • Modalidad de impartición
    El Curso TEYL - Teaching English to Young Learners Certification es impartido de manera semi presencial.
  • Número de horas
    El tiempo de duración del curso es de 60 horas.
  • Titulación oficial
    El centro otorgará certificación a sus participantes.
  • Valoración del programa
    La certificación otorgada por este centro es la más reconocida a nivel mundial en enseñanza a alumnos entre los 5 y los 12 años. Participar de este curso de capacitación, le dará al estudiante las herramientas necesarias para impartir de manera eficiente y divertida, los fundamentos básicos para el aprendizaje del idioma en niños y adolescentes.
  • Precio del curso
    Consultar precio.
  • Dirigido a
    Este programa está dirigido a profesionales en docencia o personas que deseen incurrir en este campo.
  • Empleabilidad
    El egresado podrá laborar en instituciones educativas a nivel nacional e internacional, o como instructor privado, por ejemplo.

Comentarios sobre Curso TEYL - Teaching English to Young Learners Certification - Semi-presencial - Medellín - Antioquia

  • Prácticas
  • Curso dirigido a
    Profesores o personas que deseen ingresar a la docencia.
  • Titulación
    Diplomado - Certification
  • Contenido

    Our professionally-designed and internationally accepted 60 hour TEYL course will open up many exciting new job opportunities for you, and give you the chance to work internationally teaching English to children and young learners.

    Our course is an excellent teacher-training programme and our students now teach children all over the world

    TEYL stands for Teaching English to Young Learners. In this training you will learn how to teach English to kids that range between 4 to 12 years of age.

    Thousands of teachers around the world have found this an invaluable certificate-level qualification. Having a TEYL Certificate will give you the skills to teach English to speakers of other languages all over the world.

    The demand for highly qualified teachers with training in TEYL is high around the world, and schools and colleges in many areas are looking for native speakers and non-native speakers that have training and the necessary qualifications to teach English effectively.

    The quality of the course materials and the experience of the trainers will provide you with a unique training experience.

    Our TEYL qualification is accepted all over the world. Each participant has access to a tutor who provides comprehensive and constant feedback on all the exams, assignments as well helpful suggestions.

    There are additional courses that can be added to the course.

    Course delivery:

    Face to Face

    Blended Learning

    Full Online

Otra formación relacionada con profesorado - docencia

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